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- 🌐 The Neuroscience of Imagination
🌐 The Neuroscience of Imagination
Our brain is an alien superstar
This week, I reached new depths of understanding about the human brain, learned how selling makes us human, and discovered that spontaneous karaoke has the power to heal almost any pain.
Also, I got the chance to connect with my inner robot goddess while searching for an outfit to wear to THE GRAMMYs this coming weekend. I feel that each day I am becoming a greater embodiment of what Beyoncé meant when she said “alien superstar”.
The Neuroscience of Imagination

When I tell you to imagine a dolphin balancing a coconut, what happens? Even if you’ve never seen a dolphin balancing a coconut, your brain combines the familiar concepts of a dolphin and coconut into one. The process of putting the two together is called Mental Synthesis Theory.
Mental Synthesis Theory is the mind’s equivalent of a collage made from fragments of photos. This process is responsible for our ability to do mental planning, modeling, engineering, and more.
The task of imagining is no simple feat. In fact, imagining is an extremely complex neurological process that requires sophisticated coordination in your brain. However, mental synthesis is also one of the least understood and also one of the most interesting components of imagination.
This aspect of imagination is the fuel of creativity. This is our mind’s canvas for testing out new ideas. Our ability to generate an endless array of images, concepts and ideas that we have never seen scientifically renders our imagination infinite.
Can You Exercise Your Imagination?

The popular internet meme, ‘do you even lift bro?’ not only applies to the biceps, but also to the imagination. Stolkhom-based artist, Hakan Lidbo, argues that we ought to exercise our imaginations “like an athlete”.
Strengthening your imagination can help with memory and cognition over time. A 2015 neurology study states that people who engage in imagination-activating activities were “73% less likely to have memory and thinking problems, such as mild cognitive impairment, that lead to dementia.”
While there are many ways to strengthen the muscle of your imagination, TEDxMileHigh developed an Imagination Challenge that you can do right now.
Click the link below to see 8 ways to expand your imagination.
Using Creative Tech to Address the Climate Crises

What happens when you use creative technology to tell stories about climate change? Amazing things happen. At least, they have for me.
I am thrilled for the latest project I directed to have been invited to be a part of AWE’s XR Prize Challenge: Fight Climate Change.
This project, currently titled Future Fête, is an immersive 3D animated docuseries shot in motion capture that explores what experts across ecology, architecture, metaphysics, and more are doing to build a more sustainable tomorrow.
Follow our journey here: https://www.awexr.com/xrprize
The Earth’s Inner Core Has a New Direction

The Earth’s inner core is the dense, fiery heart of our planet. Resting in the innermost layer of Planet Earth, the inner molten iron core typically rotates in a consistent manner, maintaining a steady pace.
However, according to recent research, some things are about to change! It seems the Earth’s inner core has slowed down and even begun rotating in reverse. I suppose the heartbeat of our planet has decided to dance to a different tune.
While it might sound bizarre, this is not a new phenomenon. The inner core has been known to change speeds and directions in the past – part of what could be a roughly 70-year-long cycle that influences the Earth’s magnetic field.
These dramatic changes are all part of the great cosmic waltz. Our lives will be able to carry on business as usual while the Earth’s inner core spins and twirls in whatever direction it desires.
Dive Deeper
Self Driving Cars that can go anywhere (MIT Technology Review)
“Most of us have only explored a fraction of our potential imagination.”