🌐 The next-gen of storytelling

Seeding the future of innovation in London

Dear Imagineers,

Happy Tuesday! The moon has been near Venus the last couple of days, so if you’ve been feeling drawn to all things love and beauty, that’s probably why.

In today’s issue, we’re taking a look at the next generation of storytelling. Plus, a podcast on AI, Art, and the Metaverse. Not to mention a big announcement!

The Next Generation of Storytelling

The world of storytelling has come a long way since we first drew them in caves 50,000 years ago. Since then, we’ve passed them down orally, written them in books, and made them into movies. But with the rise of interactive technology and immersive experiences, a new generation of storytelling is upon us– one where the audience plays a lead role.

AI, Art, and the Metaverse

I had the pleasure of speaking on Utopias, Dystopias, and Today’s Technologies hosted by Johannes Castner. On it, we talked about everything from AI in Hollywood to decentralized futures.

Watch the episode here: https://bit.ly/utopianfutures 

Or listen wherever you get your podcasts: https://bit.ly/dystopianfutures

Innovation Insights: A Content Series

You can now watch our South by Southwest (SXSW) recap video, as well as cutting-edge interviews with CEOs, metaverse whisperers, and AI artists on our new content series, Innovation Insights. Watch it right here on the brand new R3imagine Story Lab YouTube Channel.

The channel is brand-new, so would love for you to like, follow, or comment!

Quote of the week:

Waste no time trying to change the outside. Change the within or the impression; and the without or expression will take care of itself.

- Neville Goddard

Spread love. Share our newsletter with a friend to ignite their imagination.💌 

Until next time,
